User Manual

Multiple Render Targets

The multiple render targets feature allows to simultaneously render to multiple textures. This manual page explores implementation, configuration, and an example use case of multiple render targets.

For its support on a device, check pc.GraphicsDevice.supportsMrt. In general, it is supported on all WebGL2 and WebGPU devices and also on WebGL1 devices that support the WEBGL_draw_buffers extension. Note that on WebGL1 devices, the support is very high apart from on Android, where it is very low.

Additionally, you can detect the number of color attachments you can use by checking pc.GraphicsDevice.maxColorAttachments. Typically, 8 attachments are supported.

Multiple render targets have the following restrictions:

How to use MRT

Create a render target using multiple color textures:

const colorBuffers = app.graphicsDevice.supportsMrt ? [texture0, texture1, texture2] : [texture0];
const renderTarget = new pc.RenderTarget({
    name: 'MRT',
    colorBuffers: colorBuffers,
    depth: true
    samples: 2

Create a camera which will be used to render to MRT:

const camera = new pc.Entity('MRTCamera');
camera.addComponent('camera', {
    // set its priority to make it render before the main camera each frame
    priority: -1,

    // this camera renders into MRT
    renderTarget: renderTarget

// if MRT is supported, set the camera to use a custom shader pass called MyMRT
if (app.graphicsDevice.supportsMrt) {'MyMRT');

Standard Materials

When rendering using StandardMaterial into Multiple Render Targets (MRT), it is necessary to override the output shader chunk to direct values to additional color buffers. It is important to note that the modification in this example does not affect gl_FragColor, which is used for the forward pass output in target 0. If you wish to override it as well, you can output values to pcFragColor0 as well.

materials.forEach((material) => {
    material.chunks.outputPS = `
        #ifdef MYMRT_PASS
            // output world normal to target 1
            pcFragColor1 = vec4(litArgs_worldNormal * 0.5 + 0.5, 1.0);

            // output gloss to target 2
            pcFragColor2 = vec4(vec3(litArgs_gloss) , 1.0);

Custom Shaders

When not using StandardMaterial for rendering and instead employing a fully custom fragment shader, you can directly output the desired values to pcFragColor0...pcFragColor7. If you only need to modify the rendering for a specific camera, utilize the MYMRT_PASS define, which corresponds to the shader pass configured for that camera.