
Video Textures

Try it from the Editor in the tutorial project.

This project creates a texture and runtime, downloads and plays a video file and renders the video into the texture. This texture is then applied to a model and used in the scene.

This script performs the following functions:

var VideoTexture = pc.createScript('videoTexture');

VideoTexture.attributes.add('videoAsset', {
    title: 'Video Asset',
    description: 'MP4 video asset to play back on this video texture.',
    type: 'asset'

VideoTexture.attributes.add('videoUrl', {
    title: 'Video Url',
    description: 'URL to use if there is video asset selected',
    type: 'string'

VideoTexture.attributes.add('playEvent', {
    title: 'Play Event',
    description: 'Event that is fired as soon as the video texture is ready to play.',
    type: 'string',
    default: ''

// initialize code called once per entity
VideoTexture.prototype.initialize = function() {
    var app = this.app;

    // Create HTML Video Element to play the video
    var video = document.createElement('video');
    video.loop = true;

    // muted attribute is required for videos to autoplay
    video.muted = true;

    // critical for iOS or the video won't initially play, and will go fullscreen when playing
    video.playsInline = true;

    // needed because the video is being hosted on a different server url
    video.crossOrigin = "anonymous";

    // autoplay the video
    video.autoplay = true;

    // iOS video texture playback requires that you add the video to the DOMParser
    // with at least 1x1 as the video's dimensions
    var style = video.style;
    style.width = '1px';
    style.height = '1px';
    style.position = 'absolute';
    style.opacity = '0';
    style.zIndex = '-1000';
    style.pointerEvents = 'none';


    // Create a texture to hold the video frame data
    this.videoTexture = new pc.Texture(app.graphicsDevice, {
        format: pc.PIXELFORMAT_R8_G8_B8,
        minFilter: pc.FILTER_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR,
        magFilter: pc.FILTER_LINEAR,
        addressU: pc.ADDRESS_CLAMP_TO_EDGE,
        addressV: pc.ADDRESS_CLAMP_TO_EDGE,
        mipmaps: true

    video.addEventListener('canplaythrough', function (e) {
        app.fire(this.playEvent, this.videoTexture);

    // set video source
    video.src = this.videoAsset ? this.videoAsset.getFileUrl() : this.videoUrl;


    this.on('destroy', function() {
    }, this);

// update code called every frame
VideoTexture.prototype.update = function(dt) {
    // Transfer the latest video frame to the video texture